Crop management practices for the safe use of salt-affected soils and saline water primarily consists of growing suitable salt-tolerant crops, managing seedbeds, and grading fields to minimize local accumulation of salts, soil management, improving irrigation efficiency and soil, water, and salinity monitoring for assessing leaching and drainage requirements. As crop management greatly influences pests and their natural enemies at the local scale and that consideration of the farming system is not always the most relevant approach, several recent studies have focused on crop management variables and landscape configuration to understand insect pest or natural enemy dynamics.
Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry
Agricultural Microbiology
Environmental Science
Agro Forestry
Crop Physiology
Agricultural Engineering
Animal Husbandry
Faculty Details
Ms. N.Sugapriya
Assistant Professor
(Agricultural Microbiology)
M.Sc (Agri), Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
M.Sc (Agri)
Assistant Professor
Dr. L.R.Sripriya
M.Sc .,M.Phil.,Ph.D
Assistant Professor